As a professional working with children and families in South Carolina, you understand what it means to be busy.
The paperwork, staff turnover, liability concerns, and billing headaches only scratch the surface. It’s challenging to find time to actually work with children and families.
It’s no wonder you go home at the end of the day completely exhausted.
Imagine if you could eliminate some of that pressure.
At Help Me Grow South Carolina, we’ll partner with you and help reduce your workload. We can relieve some of your stress and give you more time to do what you love – help children and families.
What does Help Me Grow South Carolina do?
We believe all children should be able to grow, develop, and thrive to reach their full potential.
And this begins with developmental monitoring and screening, and early intervention.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about “one in six children in the U.S. have one or more developmental disabilities or other developmental delays.”1
And we know developmental monitoring and screening, and early intervention can improve outcomes for children and families.
Help Me Grow South Carolina approaches healthy child development using a systems model. The core components of our system include:
- Centralized access point: We help by connecting children to the resources and services available in their communities.
- Family and community outreach: We provide families and professionals with education and raise awareness about healthy child development.
- Child health provider outreach: We support early detection and intervention and connect medical providers to community resources.
- Data collection and analysis: We work to improve our systems and processes and enhance our advocacy efforts through rigorous data analysis.
Our systems approach is working.
Help Me Grow South Carolina reported a 3:1 return on investment for its services to identify and connect children at-risk for developmental, behavioral, or learning problems to local, community-based programs and providers.
For every dollar invested in Help Me Grow South Carolina, the state sees at least $3 in savings across a range of systems, including special education, child welfare, early intervention, health care, public assistance, health insurance, and criminal justice systems.
Our approach is central to our mission. So, how does this help you?

How Help Me Grow South Carolina benefits pediatric providers.
We’re the access point to South Carolina’s most comprehensive network of community resources for children zero to five.
Consider this analogy: A network of community resources works like a power grid. When the grid functions well, families can plug into an organized flow of resources and easily access the ones they need.
Help Me Grow South Carolina strengthens the grid by maintaining a current directory of available services. We connect service providers to each other to create an interconnected system.
We know as a pediatrician or family support professional in the community, you’re on the front lines with children and families.
And even as a seasoned, dedicated, and caring provider, you might find:
- Identifying developmental and behavioral concerns is difficult.
- Maintaining resource lists takes a lot of work.
- Facilitating connections to resources is time-consuming.
Let us help you.
We can be the developmental care coordinator for your busy practice. We’ll support what you’re already doing with developmental monitoring, screening, and referrals.
With our relationship-based approach, we collaborate with professionals like you who serve young children and their families.
We’ll partner with you to:
- Provide developmental screenings
- Provide you and your staff with information regarding healthy child development
- Design an individualized resource pathway for each family with just one referral from you
- Follow up with each family to ensure their connection to services
- Keep you in the loop by providing a summary of all referrals back to you, the referring provider
If you still aren’t convinced partnering with Help Me Grow South Carolina is the right step, this is what a current provider says about his experience with us.
Luke Edmondson, M.D., explains:
“I have used Help Me Grow SC many times over the years. As a provider, the support they provide is especially helpful because they are able to continue to follow up with patients who need services and find a provider for them. It is very helpful to the families and saves time and repeated referrals for providers.”
As your developmental care coordinator, Help Me Grow South Carolina provides exceptional support to your patients and clients and lightens your load at no cost to you or your patients.
Next steps to connect with a care coordinator.
We want to help more South Carolina families and children, and you play an important part in that process.
You can reach out to us through email at or by phone at 855-476-9211. We’ll walk you through the process to start making referrals to Help Me Grow South Carolina.
You can also go to our referral form to get started.
As a provider, we ask that you notify the family that you’re making a referral.
After submitting the referral, a Help Me Grow South Carolina care coordinator will contact the family you’ve referred and start the process.
We’ll always keep you in the loop by providing you with a status summary of each referral.
We’re excited to work with you to provide developmental screening and intervention support to the children and families you see daily in your practice. Together, we can help all children grow, develop, and thrive.
For more information, here’s a short video to learn more about Help Me Grow South Carolina.
1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention