ICS Guest Blog on HMG SC ROI

Click here to view an Institute for Child Success Guest blog by Paul Dworkin, MD, Help Me Grow National Founder and Desmond Kelly, MD, SC Medical Director, Help Me Grow South Carolina. “South Carolina is Home to Innovative Investments that Help Children Start...

New Tool Demonstrates High Return on Investment for Help Me Grow SC

A new tool developed to calculate the cost savings of Help Me Grow affiliates nationwide determined that Help Me Grow South Carolina generates an average of $3 in quantifiable savings for every dollar invested. These savings apply to areas like child welfare, criminal justice, early intervention, health care, special education and public assistance.

Announcing Network Partner Grants First Round Grantees

Help Me Grow South Carolina has selected a pair of organizations from the Midlands and the Lowcountry to receive the first round of its network partner grants. Calhoun County First Steps and ICNA Relief Shifa Free Clinic will each receive a $10,000 grant in addition to becoming the first official members of the Help Me Grow partner network…

Help Me Grow South Carolina Has a New Home!

We know that the early years of a child’s life present an incredible opportunity to help foster positive health and well-being outcomes that last a lifetime. Aligning our efforts with SCIMHA provides a unique opportunity to develop a strong, coordinated system to...